Thursday, September 12, 2013

Third Week....

Did not do any work during the weekend. Tried to read, but not able to.
I did not get the key to my room yet, so I am not coming on the weekend to the University.

Monday 9th Sept

Thought I finally got an idea on the first problem mentioned by Truyen on his handout.
This was about Naive Bayes. Had a discussion with him. It turns out that what I thought is not actually correct.
He asked me to brush up my background and do the coursera courses on ML and PGM.

Tuesday and Wednesday, 10 and 11th of Sept

Continued with ML lectures. Feeling sleepy all the time.
Found a new house to stay near the uni. They allow couples. Gayathri likes it. Thats all that matters to me.

Thursday 12th of Sept

Truyen sends me another mail with a plan of action.  Truyen, Tu and I have a small chat in the tea room about research stuff. Seems I will be working with Tu in the future.

I have no idea how to start with the work mentioned in the plan of action.
I think I have been given 1 week to implement the 1st task.
Kavilamme shakthi taruuuu....

Attended writing workshop by Margret Kumar. Very informative.
Understood that I did not know anything about writing a paper.

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