Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Complexity and Big O

Ok so you are a programmer. And you have coded thousands of lines. But are you sure you need to have neccessarily coded all those lines. In computer science, often the question is not how to solve a problem, but how to solve a problem well.

Whenever you are studying algorithms, you find that there are always two issues to be addressed:
1. Efficiency / Performance
2. Complexity

Efficiency or performance deals with the CPU time, available memory, the disk and network usage when the program is run. So this will depend on the machine hardware, the code generated by the compiler and the user code.

, on the other hand, deals with resource allocation to the program and how it scales with size of the problem. In other words, what happens when the size of the program gets larger.

As complexity increases, the CPU usage and memory usage increases, thereby affecting performance. But a change in machine hardware or increase in memory will not cause a change in complexity. A much faster CPU may execute the algorithm faster, but it is doing the same amount of work as a slower CPU. Hence we can safely say that:
Complexity affects performance but not vice versa

Measuring Complexity
Complexity analysis attempts to characterize the relationship between the number of data elements and resource usage (time or space) with a simple formula approximation.
Why is the realtion between size of the problem and resource usage important? Well, right from the time when the first program was written, many programmers have had ugly surprises when they moved from small test data to large data sets.

The Big O Notation
The definition from NIST is as follows:
Definition: A theoretical measure of the execution of an algorithm, usually the time or memory needed, given the problem size n, which is usually the number of items. Informally, saying some equation f(n) = O(g(n)) means it is less than some constant multiple of g(n). The notation is read, "f of n is big oh of g of n".
Ok I admit, I had a tough time understanding that. A simpler explanation would be that Big O is concerened with what happens to the algorithm for very large values of N. Hence it will NEVER have constants or lower order terms. These terms are dropped. This is due to the fact that when N becomes large, these terms do not have a significant effect on the total complexity.
For example, if the number of operations is N^2 - N, for large values of N, the single N term is insignificant compared to N^2, therefore one of these sorts would be described as an O(N^2) algorithm. Similarly constant multipliers are ignored, so a O(4*N) algorithm is equivalent to O(N).
A list of common orders and corresponding examples can be found here!!

Can we blindly trust Big O
The answer is NO!! There are some problems with complexity analysis:
1. Too hard to analyze: Many algorithms are too hard to analyze mathematically
2. Average case unknown. There may not be sufficient information to know what the most important "average" case really is, therefore analysis is impossible.
3. Unknown constant. Both walking and traveling at the speed of light have a time-as-function-of-distance big-oh complexity of O(N). Altho they have the same big-oh characteristics, one is rather faster than the other. Big-oh analysis only tells you how it grows with the size of the problem, not how efficient it is.
4. Small data sets. If there are no large amounts of data, algorithm efficiency may not be important.

1. Complexity and Big O Notation
2. uw-madson notes
3. Algorithms and Big O Notation