Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Change of Research Topic

It finally happened. Many wise grad students and research scholars foretold this would happen. Many circumstances gave hints and warning signs that this would happen. I was forced to change my topic of research. I will no longer be working on "Kernel Methods", sorry Dr Vapnik.
I will be working on formulating efficient methodologies to detect plagiarism in source code.Bleah!!!

So everybody take a deep breath in and chant with me....
"I love my project"
"I love my project"
"I love my project"
"I love my project"

I guess I will not kill myself today !

Sunday, October 10, 2010

History of Learning Theory

According to Vapnik, history of research of the learning problem can be thought of as:

1. Constructing the first learning machines
2. Constructing the fundamentals of the theory
3. Constructing neural networks
4. Constructing alternatives to neural network

You cannot always model learning theory by looking at neural networks and modelling the human brain. Not everything can be modeled from nature. Look at the aircraft. It cannot be modeled from studying birds.
And that's all Vapnik has to say about that.

SVM StuckUp

I think I hit a road block with VC dimension and VC theory. Planning to do a writeup on SVM that gives a simple introduction. I would like to get it printed in some low key Indian journal.

The tutorial by Burges: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi= looks like a good read to study on VC risk.